Friday 30 March 2012

Alternative Projection Materials

As someone who is incredibly interested in using projection in theatre design, this talk was very informative and amazing. I never knew that there was so many different surfaces that you can project onto and all the different effects that you can create.

The talk was done by a company called Rose Brand that supply all the different types of materials to project onto. 
This is their website: Rose Brand

They talked about a type of paint called Screen Goo that you can paint onto surfaces to create a projectable surface so matter what shape it is. It literally makes the projection cling to each nook and cranny.
The website for Screen Goo is:

My favourite material to project on was String Curtains:

Screen Goo can be used in many different ways. This is a good example of how it can literally make projections cling to every shaped surface.

This talk was very helpful and I will definitely  consider different types of material to project onto in future projects. 

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