Monday 2 April 2012

Welcome to Ohio!

I have now arrived safely in Ohio and have been given the opportunity to choose what classes I will be taking this quarter. This is such a strange and new way of structuring my degree, but I quite like it as it gives the student a chance to do what they want to do within the course to earn their degree.

In the afternoons, all of the 'shops' (costume, props, scene, painting) are open to do extra credit hours. I have signed myself up for some paint shop hours to help out with the set for WIFA (War is Fucking Awesome), and I will also be in the props shop, but more to complete my own work then anything else.

My timetable for the next 7 weeks will look like this:

Monday - Day off to prepare work for any classes
Tuesday - (Morning) Scene Painting class with David Russell (Afternoon) Paint shop hours
Wednesday - (Morning) Props Class with Tom Fiocchi (Afternoon) Prop shop
Thursday - Day off to work on sketchbook and POP essay
Friday - (Morning) Set Tech class with David Russell (Afternoon) Paint shop
The university is open all weekend which is great as I can go in any time to complete any work that needs to be done.

I can't wait to properly get started and I'm really looking forward to seeing what work I'll produce.
I think this structure will work really well for me as I really like to learn new skills that are relevant to what I want to do. The scene painting class will be especially helpful as AUCB doesn't offer anything like it.
I am also really excited about learning how to make props. They are much more lenient here about students using the band saws and other power tools. They really want you just to get stuck in and as long as you're being careful they don't care. I'm enjoying this attitude as in the AUCB workshop you have to ask for things to get cut on the saws etc. and they're very unwilling to teach you how to do it even though it would save them and us a lot of time and energy. 

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